Networking and learning opportunities for all who work toward effective records and information management.
We are happy to unveil a new job board feature on our chapter website! This feature is conveniently integrated with the membership/content management system that we use, so we no longer need to have job postings submitted via Google forms or email. The submitted jobs will be reviewed to ensure that they are appropriate and within the realm of the records, information, and data management fields.
To post on the job board, chapter members and guests will need to log in using the same website username and password that is required for registering for events and accessing members-only content. For now, there is no cost to post on the job board or browse. If we get traction on usage, we can send out emails to highlight new postings.
So check out the postings, share them on social media, and feel free to post jobs you've heard about (public or private sector). This feature will only be as useful as we make it, so let's make it awesome!
Current Job Board Postings
HHS Records Management Officer
Health and Human Services Commission - Austin, TX
Posted: Aug 27, 2023
Salary: $6,073.83 - $10,272.25 Monthly
Application Deadline: Sep 18, 2023
Program Specialist V-VI (Data Sharing Strategist)
Texas Department of Information Resources - Austin, TX
Posted: Aug 15, 2023
Salary: $5,617.00 - $6,500.00 Monthly
Application Deadline: Sep 28, 2023
View More Jobs
P.O. Box 27435, Austin, TX 78731-3064
(512) 937-3347 (leave a message for a return call)