Austin ARMA Chapter

Networking and learning opportunities for all who work toward effective records and information management.

Join the Board

2024-2025 Open Positions:

Publicity ChairThe Publicity Chair is responsible for promoting chapter meetings, events, seminars, and any other external communications. The Publicity Chair is also responsible for production and publication of the chapter newsletter. This is typically a two year term position, but there is currently one year remaining in this term.

WebmasterThe Webmaster is responsible for managing the chapter's website, email account, and social media assets. The Webmaster also shares job listings for open positions in the field of Records & Information Management / Information Governance as requested through the Job Board. This is typically a two year term position, but there is currently one year remaining in this term.

Contact us via email if you are interested in volunteering to be a board member.

You can also get involved as a member on a committee or volunteering to help out at one of our events.

See the Chapter Officers page for more information about the various board roles.

Board Benefits

Are you a member with time and energy to help the chapter grow? Here are just a few reasons to volunteer your time and expertise at our events and in our committees:

    • Advance your career by gaining leadership and planning skills.
    • Enrich your personal life by increasing your confidence and communication skills.
    • Feel good about serving your community by working as part of a team to motivate others and achieve positive outcomes in the Austin area.
    • Board members will have their registration paid at the Annual Leadership Conference and will be eligible to have their travel and lodging subsidized by the chapter.
    • President has their registration, hotel, and flight to International paid each year of their term.
    • Professional Growth & Networking with fellow leaders across the region.
    • Management & other skills learned with the support of a team of fellow leaders.
    • Build strong relationships with fellow professionals.
    • Give back to your chapter.
    • It looks nice on your resume!

    Time Commitments

    • Terms are generally two years, and most positions are limited to two consecutive terms, but officers may rotate in an out of positions to learn new skills and add their expertise and point of view to multiple positions.
    • A one-time planning meeting will be held on a Saturday in August chosen by most Board members.
    • Board meetings are held once a month are mostly by webinar/conference call – Conference calls can be up to 2 hours.  Minimal to no travel time.
    • Board members are encouraged to attend the monthly chapter activities (meetings, seminars, social events, Shred Day) as often as they are able.
    • Board members are asked to read existing materials for their position, prepare budget items and other agenda items for their plan in their position for the year during the summer prior to the planning meeting.
    • New Board members will have an opportunity to connect with outgoing Board members for supply and knowledge transfer.

    Contact Us:

    P.O. Box 27435, Austin, TX 78731-3064

    (512) 937-3347 (leave a message for a return call)

    Find Us @

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